Predicted Coronal Emission on Eclipse Day

(Simulation using ADAPT maps)

    We compute emission of radiation from the corona by integrating the emission kernels for extreme ultraviolet (EUV) and X-ray radiation along a chosen line of sight.   This integration requires knowledge of the plasma density and temperature in the corona, which we predict using our model.  The images below show the predicted coronal emission at 20:38 UTC on November 13, 2012.  Click on the images to see higher resolution versions.

EUV 94Å Emission (AIA)
Eclipse Time
Simulated AIA 94Å image
EUV 131Å Emission (AIA)
Eclipse Time
Simulated AIA 131Å image
EUV 171Å Emission (AIA)
Eclipse Time
Simulated AIA 171Å image
EUV 193Å Emission (EIT)
Eclipse Time
Simulated AIA 193Å image
EUV 211Å Emission (AIA)
Eclipse Time
Simulated AIA 211Å image
EUV 335Å Emission (AIA)
Eclipse Time
Simulated EIT 284Å image
X-Ray Emission (XRT Al-mesh)
Eclipse Time
Simulated XRT Al-mesh image
X-Ray Emission (XRT Ti-poly)
Eclipse Time

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